Voting is now open! It is important that a diverse group of Tehy members become decision-makers in the council – from different professions and age groups, from both the public and private sectors across Finland. Use your vote, influence Tehy's future, and take part in a raffle where you can win a full year of home cleaning services!

The Best in the World
Finland has the world's best social welfare, healthcare and education sector professionals. They walk beside us and are there when we need help and care. Get to know valued professionals on Tehy's website.

You have the right and the freedom to belong to a trade union in Finland
Trade union membership is legal in Finland: the majority of all employees belong to a trade union. A union stands on the side of the employees, negotiating on the employment terms and pay within the field.

Tehy’s expert blogs
19.3.2025 | Kirsi Sillanpää
Kirsi Sillanpää: The public healthcare system is a safety net for citizens in everyday life and during crises
Take part in events and training sessions
25.3.2025 | at 13:00 - 15:00
PERUTTU/CANCELLED: Tehy webinar for immigrants / Tehyn webinaari maahanmuuttajille
3.4.2025 | at 08:00 - 09:00
Opettajien virtuaaliaamukahvit
3.4.2025 | at 17:00 - 20:00
Medlemskväll för tehyiter på Åland
8.4.2025 | at 17:00 - 19:00
Riverian opettajatapaaminen, Joensuu
9.4.2025 | at 16:00 - 17:30
Tehyn ilta 9.4. YTHS:ssä työskenteleville

Reporting is the best defence
Violence is a crime and should not be swept under the rug. Of those working in the social and health care sector, 81% say that they would always report psychological and physical violence to their employer.* And so should you. You can help stop violence.
*Tehy, impact study, 2023

What is Tehy?
A trade union for employees and students from the social care, healthcare and early childhood education sectors. We improve the pay and working conditions of employees. We negotiate collective agreements that lay down the terms of work. We help our members in issues related to work and employment. We can help if you don’t understand your employment contract or suspect that your salary has not been paid correctly, for example.

What are the benefits of Tehy membership?

Join and get the best protection for your work life
As a Tehy member, you won’t need to tackle any problems related to employment alone. These are often complex issues that require knowing your own rights, terms of employment or even legislation. We can help if you don’t understand your employment contract or suspect that your salary has not been paid correctly, for example.

Benefits for work and leisure time
We can help with matters related to employment and provide you with free legal aid when needed. You will get insurance covering occupational accidents. You will also receive other membership benefits, including for your leisure time.

We are a large community giving you joy and energy
We are a community of like-minded people. Our members are united by occupation, education or work. There are now 160,000 of us Tehy people! We organise events and training courses: come and join our happy community.