
Council election


Members of Tehy will be electing new decision-makers for the Council in spring 2025. These are important elections, and you can have your say by voting. Voting will start at 9.00 on 17 March and end at 23.59 on 31 March.

To voters

All members of Tehy professional branches and student members are eligible to vote in the Tehy election. Voting will start at 9.00 on 17 March and end at 23.59 on 31 March. Use your voice, influence Tehy's future and participate in the raffle! ​

Voting is easy and can be done by using the election applicationIn council elections, re-voting is allowed, and only the last cast vote remains valid. Log in to the application by using your online banking credentials, mobile certificate or member credentials.

You are eligible to vote if your Tehy membership started no later than on 31 January 2025 and you have paid your membership fee.

Vote and enter a raffle for one year’s home cleaning services

Vote in the Tehy Council election! We are raffling magnificent prizes among all of those who cast their vote:

  • Home cleaning services for a year (two winners, two cleaning visits per month)
  • Gift cards worth EUR 500 to either S Group or K Group (two winners, one S Group gift card and one K Group gift card)
  • Gift cards worth EUR 300 to either S Group or K Group (two winners, one S Group gift card and one K Group gift card)

Get to know the candidates by using the election application

A total of 410 Tehy members from different parts of Finland are running in the election. It is important that the council be made up of a diverse group of Tehy members – be it from different professions and age groups or the public and the private sector all over Finland. 

You can find your candidates in the election application for Tehy. You can use the election application to compare the opinions of candidates with your own views and find the most suitable candidate. The candidates will appear in the election application at 9.00 on 17 March. 

Tehy members who are eligible to vote will have access to the election application. You can log in using your online banking credentials, mobile certificate or member credentials.

Valtuustovaalit 2025

Tehy will post information on the election in its own channels. Follow the #tehyvaalit hashtag on social media.

The Tehy Council election will be held 17–31 March 2025.  All members of Tehy’s professional branches and student members are eligible to vote. The election will be held electronically with the entire country as the electoral district.  Eighty-three members will be elected to the Council.

What does the Council do?

Tehy members elected to the Council work to ensure that your daily life runs smoothly and you can focus on your work. The Council is in charge of advocating for Tehy members, approving collective agreements, making decisions on e.g. industrial action and deciding about union activity policies and statements on matters concerning the sector. It also elects the Tehy president.

Election schedule

  • Nomination of candidates 4–24 February 2025
  • Voting 17–31 March 2025
  • Result publication 2 April 2025

To prospective candicates

All eligible members of Tehy professional branches and Tehy student associations may stand as candidates in the Tehy Council elections. Candidates are nominated between 4 and 24 February 2025.

You are eligible for election if you do not have any unpaid membership fees for 2024, and a Tehy professional branch or Tehy student association has approved your membership by 31 January 2025. 
