The Best in the World campaign invites you to meet social welfare, healthcare and education sector professionals during moments when their expertise, dedication and success resonate the most. Photographs and personal stories highlight the significant role these professionals play in society and everyone's life.
Finland has the world's best social welfare, healthcare and education sector professionals. They walk beside us and are there when we need help and care. Let's look after our professionals. We need them.

My presence can save someone's day.
Dental nurse Helmi
Dental nurse Helmi
Helmi is a practical nurse, specialised in oral care. She works as a dental nurse at Terveystalo in Oulu.
According to the collective agreement, the minimum base salary for a dental nurse is 2,283 euros.

Once, a child asked me if I could be their spare grandmother.
Childcarer Tarja
Childcarer Tarja
Tarja is a childcarer by training. She works at Jokivarsi Daycare Centre in Jämsä. Tarja is also a head union representative.
According to the collective agreement, the minimum base salary for a childcarer is 2,258 euros.

Success is when an initially sceptical client eventually does not want to give up remote home care.
Practical nurse Tiina
Practical nurse Tiina
Tiina is a practical nurse by training. She works in remote home care in the Western Uusimaa wellbeing services county.
According to the collective agreement, the minimum base salary for a practical nurse is 2,403 euros.

Our team did its best and every little step forward brought hope.
Nurse Mohamad
Nurse Mohamad
Mohamad is a medical nurse and practical nurse by training. He works as a nurse in the paediatric intensive care unit at Turku University Hospital.
According to the collective agreement, the minimum base salary for a nurse is 2,915 euros.

It was a big moment for me when a shy and withdrawn child blossomed into a confident one.
Bachelor of social services Sanna-Mari
Bachelor of social services Sanna-Mari
Sanna-Mari is a bachelor of social services. She works as a social worker and family partner at SOS Children's Village in Helsinki.
According to the collective agreement, the minimum base salary for a bachelor of social services is 2,665 euros.