International activities

In international activities the emphasis lies nowadays with the European Union. More and more legislation, binding regulation and guiding principles are being drafted in the EU that directly affect Tehy members, such as large part of the labour legislation. For this reason Tehy closely monitors all developments in the EU and keeps in touch with Finnish members of the European Parliament.

Also, maintaining and strengthening social dialogue, i.e. negotiations and agreements between the social partners at the European level is a key focus. Tehy participates in the social dialogue in the hospital sector and in the local and regional government sector. 

One important aspect of the international activities of Tehy is co-operation in developing countries. Also, migration issues and ethical recruitment is even more important now because of global mobility of health care personnel.

Advocacy work

Politics and developments in the international arena effect directly the Finnish economy and society. Especially the political decisions and legislation of the European Union has effects on our working life and the daily life of Tehy members. Tehy’s primary mission is to promote and defend workers’ rights through international cooperation between trade unions and advocacy within major European and global institutions.


Tehy Projects

Important part of Tehy’s international activities is cooperation in developing countries and this work has become a tradition. This work mainly consists of equal opportunities, trade union rights, trade union organizing and negotiations. Tehy helps in creating trade union structures and improving working conditions and salaries.