Tehy membership fees in 2025 — what you need to know

At the end of November, the Tehy Council decided on the membership fee criteria for 2025. The membership fees will remain largely unchanged. Only the membership fees for both full-time and part-time entrepreneurs in the sector will change.

The membership fee for full-time entrepreneurs will be €30 per month, and the fee for part-time entrepreneurs will be 1.1% of the total taxable income of their employment relationship, but at least €30 per month.

All Tehy services and member benefits are available to you once your membership fee has been paid. The benefits include the services and assistance of the union representative and Tehy experts in employment matters, access to legal aidinsurance benefits and various leisure time benefits, among others. See all the member benefits on the Tehy website.

Employee membership fee

In the coming year, the membership fee for employees will be 1.1% of all taxable wages and salaries. The membership fee includes the membership fee of the Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers if you are a member of the fund.

Student membership fee

If you are a student, your membership fee depends on whether or not you already have a degree in social services, healthcare, rehabilitation or education. Read more about student membership fees (in Finnish).

  1. If you are studying for your first degree in the field, your membership is free.
  2. If you are a full-time postgraduate student, your membership fee depends on the content of your studies.
  3. If you are studying another field, such as engineering, business administration or psychology, you pay a contribution of 1.1% of your wages and salaries during your studies, but at least €8 per month, including any months without pay.

Entrepreneur membership fee

The membership fee for social services and healthcare entrepreneurs is €30 per month. Read more about the entrepreneur membership fee on the Tehy website (in Finnish).

Teacher membership fee

If you are a full-time teacher in the field and have a degree in social services and healthcare, your membership fee is €50 per year. The membership does not include the membership fee of the unemployment fund. Read more about being a teacher member (in Finnish).

Senior membership fee

Tehy’s senior service fee is €50 per year. The service fee is paid by permanently retired members who have switched directly to senior membership after being a member of a professional branch. The service fee entitles you to senior member benefits. Read more about being a senior member (in Finnish).

Employer collection is the easiest way to pay your membership fee

If you are an employee, the easiest way to pay your membership fee is to let your employer deduct it directly from your salary. In this case, your employer will take care of the fee on your behalf, instead of you having to calculate the amount each month. Read more about employer collection (in Finnish).

If you want to pay your membership fee yourself, you can do so through our e-services every month. You can also pay by using the reference lists. We will primarily send the reference lists by email in January 2025. The reference lists are also available in our e-services. If we do not have your email address, we will send you the reference list by post. Please check and update your email address in the e-services. The due date for the January 2025 membership fee is 15 February 2025.

Your membership fee is deducted from your taxes

The membership fee is tax deductible. After the tax deduction, the net membership fee is significantly lower. We will send information about your membership fees directly to the tax authorities.

The senior service fee is not tax deductible.

More information about membership fees

Want more information about membership fees? Read more on the Tehy website (in Finnish).