Recommend Tehy membership – earn rewards!

Talk to a colleague or friend about Tehy membership. By helping a friend join, you will gain a reward. The new member, in turn, gains all of our benefits and security for employment.

Palkintokaupan tuotteita

Amazing selection of reward products

For every successful recommendation, you gain points. You can use the points you have collected to purchase products from brands such as Marimekko, Pentik or Makita. You can also get intangible gifts, like an audiobook app or cinema tickets.

It's worth to recommend Tehy membership

Tehy members receive assistance in all matters related to employment relationships and valuable member benefits. 

And for every successful recommendation, you gain points that you can use for rewards! An employed member nets 25 points, whereas a student member nets 10 points. One recommendation point equals one euro.

Ask your friend to enter your member number in the form’s field indicating who made the recommendation.

kännykkä kädessä

Send a recommendation through the mobile app

You can use the mobile app to send recommendations to your friends or colleagues directly to WhatsApp or a social media channel. The friend will receive your personal recommendation and a link to the membership form. The form will automatically feature your member number in the ‘Suosittelija’ (Recommended by) field! Easy!

See Terhi’s and Henna-Kaisa’s recommendation tips (in Finnish)

Terhi and Henna-Kaisa are diamond-level Tehy members. They talk about Tehy and help their colleagues join the union. Watch the video for tips and become a diamond member!