The negotiations concern topics such as the SOTE agreement for the social and health care sector, the largest collective agreement in Finland, which covers over 180,000 employees.
In 2022, the negotiating parties agreed on pay raises and pay programmes that promoted pay equity and relieved the shortage of nurses.
– Tehy and SuPer see it as absolutely necessary that the pay programmes are completed as agreed. Pay equity requires concrete action, and the shortage of nurses is still not completely resolved, says Tehy President Millariikka Rytkönen.
For the upcoming round of negotiations, Tehy and SuPer are emphasising improvements in working conditions.
– In a female-dominated sector, special attention must be paid to the changes in legislation prepared by the Finnish Government, and it must be ensured that the terms of employment remain equal between both male-dominated and female-dominated industries, despite the changes in legislation, says SuPer President Päivi Inberg.
In male-dominated industries, the terms of termination and temporary employment contracts are detailed in the collective agreements, and these have not been amended to match the changes in legislation planned by the government.
Equality at work requires that similar provisions are also applied to the female-dominated care sector.
Shorter hours for night shift workers
Tehy and SuPer also propose an overhaul of the working time provisions in nurses' collective agreement.
– All nurses must have the right to leisure time and a life outside of work. The detrimental health effects of night shifts must be taken into consideration in working time provisions. Shorter hours for night shift workers are justified, and even essential, for health reasons. This has been done in other Nordic countries, and we need this model in Finland, as well, says Millariikka Rytkönen.
Today, Tehy and SuPer have given notice of termination for the collective agreements for municipalities and wellbeing services counties. In connection with the termination, the employer organisations were reminded that a period of no valid agreement will begin on 1 May 2025 if the parties do not reach a resolution before that.
– We have asked KT to ensure that employees retain their legal right to take industrial action during the period of no valid agreement. Employers should prepare for industrial action that does not require an advance notice immediately from 1 May 2025 onwards, says Päivi Inberg from SuPer.
With regard to the protective legislation under preparation, employers must prepare for the situation in advance when scheduling shifts and dimensioning the workforce.
– Naturally, we aim to achieve an agreement primarily through negotiations, but we also believe it's important to prepare for the negotiations coming to a standstill, Inberg adds.
The collective agreements for municipalities and wellbeing services counties in Finland will expire on 30 April 2025.
Tehy President Millariikka Rytkönen; requests for interviews through Special Advisor Mila Huovinen, [email protected], tel. +358 400 540 005
SuPer President Päivi Inberg, tel. +358 40 705 9115