Millariikka Rytkönen asked to continue as the Chairperson of Tehy for the next term

Four Tehy council groups requested the current chairperson, Millariikka Rytkönen, to continue in her role as the organisation’s chairperson for the next term of 2025–2029.

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Photo: Saara Partanen

Rytkönen has headed Tehy since 2017, and she was asked to continue her term by Sitoutumattomat ja keskiryhmät SITKE (uncommitted and central parties’ association), Tehyn vasemmisto ja sitoutumattomat (left-wing and uncommitted parties’ association), Tehyläiset Vihreät (green party association) and Tehyn Yhdessä Eteenpäin (social democratic party’s association). Rytkönen is a practical nurse, midwife (bachelor’s degree) and nurse (master’s degree) by training. Her higher degree from a university of applied sciences is from the area of development and management of social and healthcare sector.

“A warm thank you for this show of trust! I promise to be available for this important duty for improving the wages and working conditions of our members over the next term. I am very flattered by such comprehensive support for continuing my term, and it has helped me make the decision that I will not nominate myself as a candidate for the council elections,” says Millariikka Rytkönen.

According to the representatives of the council groups, Rytkönen has headed Tehy successfully while working together with Tehy members in making the voice of nurses heard even better in Finnish society. Multivocality and cooperation will remain as important values in Tehy also in future. 

The negotiation round of 2022 and its historical results regarding salaries and wages are a proof of Rytkönen’s strengths in labour market negotiations.

The council elections of the union for the social care, healthcare and education sector Tehy and the council’s organisational meeting will be held in spring 2025.

Further information:

Tehyn Yhdessä Eteenpäin, Saara Partanen, tel. +358 (0)45 2673 551
Sitoutumattomat ja keskiryhmät SITKE, Marja Lampainen, tel. +358 (0)40 7059 014
Tehyn vasemmisto ja sitoutumattomat, Kati Jetsu, tel. +358 (0)40 1470 791
Tehyläiset Vihreät, Elina Sammalisto, tel. +358 (0)50 5672 234